Nominations came out and Tina Fey was nominated for 30 Rock and who got her granny pants in a bunch about it? Cat Lady Aniston
Radar reports:
Tellingly, Jen didn't call Tina to congratulate her on the nomination - and insiders say their friendship has been strained by the competition. "Jen was so excited to be nominated, she's been talking about it for months," an insider tells radaronline. "But she's really disappointed to be going up against Tina. She realizes it's going to be near to impossible to win now. "Jen doesn't deal with competition well, she likes to be the top dog. She's not happy that Tina is likely to out shine her on the night. "Jen and Tina used to be really good friends, they used to talk at least every week, but now they hardly talk at all. "Tina hasn't got a problem at all with being up against Jen but she is kind of put out by Jen's attitude towards her now. "She just can't understand why Jen would be giving her the cold shoulder over something so trivial."
Hmm doesnt deal with competition well... wonder why
Oh I know why
1.Your husband BRAD PITT left you for the Angelina Jolie (upgrade) because for some reason you didnt want to have kids with him you wanted to focus on your um career, good move.... If I was married to Brad Pitt my career in life would be to have sex with him all the time.. I know Jenny the horror
2.Your relationships last as long as my attention span and according to my friends its as long as a goldfish.. 3 seconds, just call me Dori.. I love my friends.. Dont hate the beautiful ladies..
3.All your movies suck maybe you should of died at the end of Marley and Me instead of the dog
Im a bit bitchy combination of PMS and a case of the HUNGRIES!
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