The latest celeb to go to rehab is KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYE WEST..
some sources are telling Star Magazine that there's a chance Kanye could have a problem with the Jesus Juice. Before Kanye made an ass out of himself and ruining Taylor Swifts moment, he had been getting tipsy on Henny all night. Kanye blamed the BOOZE for what he said.. Kanye dont ever blame the booze.. booze is your friend. So now he thinks he needs rehab.. I dont think they have a rehab for EGOMANIACS and I think a good swift kick in the head would be more useful. Personally I think he would of jumped on stage regardless of his boozeyness because yes Kanye is that much of a dick
I love how celebs use rehab for saying sorry for something they did or feel they need rehab because they have a really bad hangover.. and just because you pass out with your shoes on.. wait.. nevermind..
MSNBC's The Scoop says that sources close to Kanye haven't heard about him checking into rehab right after he finishes his Fame Kills tour with Lady GaGa in a few months
And im sure he will have cameras there to document the whole thing because well everything revolves around Kanye
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